MAILING ADDRESS:Professor Jeffrey S. RosenthalPHONE: (416) 978-4594.
Department of Statistical Sciences
University of Toronto
700 University Avenue, 9th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5G 1X6
FAX: (416) 978-5133.E-MAIL: "jeff" at ""
WEB PAGE: or official
OFFICE: Ontario Power [Hydro] Building (UY), 700 University Avenue, 9th Floor, room 9070.
(SW Corner of College St and University Ave on campus map.)SKYPE NAME: jeffrey_rosenthal
NOTE (inspired by Radford Neal): If you want to send me e-mail, then if possible, please do not send a Word document, and encode your message as little as possible. Best is plain ordinary text. Attachments in pdf etc are okay if needed.
My first photo is also available in large size (1.3 Meg), and my second photo is available in large size (128 K), and my third photo is also available in large or huge size. (See also photo3b and photo3c, a 2022 fourth photo, an old dice-throwing photo, a 2013 bonus tie photo, a 2015 tie talk photo, and a 2024 small headshot.) (All released under the Creative Commons license.)
I am also cross-appointed to the Mathematics Department, where I have a small additional web page (in addition to a tiny utstat one.)
I occasionally use PGP (by prior arrangement only). Here is my PGP public key.